Christmas Scavenger Hunt for Toddlers

Often times, even with all the joy found in the Christmas season, the darker days and cooler, wetter weather can lead to some rough hours at home with little ones. We can grow weary of ways to entertain our precious babes and resort to too much screen time if we aren't diligent. During the fall, one of our favorite things to do is a nature scavenger hunt. During our hunts, we use Kindness Elves to encourage gratitude and generosity as we approach the season of joy for all the gifts we have received. I hope this sweet little packet will bring "comfort and joy" to your home this this season!

This post was contributed by:

Erin from Life, Abundantly
Erin is a joy-chasing homeschool mama to 4 babies, ages 14 down to 1. She married her grade-school sweetheart 16 years ago, and lives to love him well. Her abiding love for Jesus Christ, and her heart to encourage other women toward him dictates her days. Her tag line is: Jesus in. Joy out. Erin writes about homeschooling, taking hard moments captive for Christ, and loving her family well at Life, Abundantly.

For more Free Christmas printables, see the following post: