These Montessori-inspired Spanish Language 3-Part Vocabulary Cards can be used with both readers and non-readers. The set includes numbers 1-10, colors, 18 animals including pets, farm and zoo, body parts and vehicles.
Spanish is an important second language to learn in the U.S. as there are over 38 million speakers and quickly growing. There are more Spanish speakers in the United States than there are speakers of Chinese, French, German, Italian, Hawaiian and Native American languages combined. Wow! And I know first-hand that more and more employers are hiring bilingual employees who can communicate with Spanish-speaking clients.
How to Use 3-Part Cards:
These are called 3-Part cards because one card is the control card, which has a picture and word, while the other cards are just the picture and just the word. Print 2 copies of each card, one copy is for cutting out the control cards, while the other copy is for cutting out the picture and word cards. Laminate or glue to cardstock for durability.
For Non-Readers
Here are some ways to use the cards for toddlers & non-readers:
1. Print one copy of the cards - the control card. Lay down one card at a time and say in a clear voice what it is called. You can say it in both English and Spanish, or just Spanish, whatever you choose.
2. Picture Matching - Print a second copy and cut out the picture cards. Lay down the control cards and have the child match the picture cards to the control cards.
3. Sight Word Matching - Cut out the label cards and have the child match the labels to the control cards by sight.
3. Object Matching - If you have objects such as plastic animals, toy vehicles or different colored objects to match the pictures, let the child match the objects to the pictures.
4. Memory Game - Print 2 copies of each picture, lay them face down and play a classic memory game.
For Readers
1. Matching Word to Picture - Lay down the picture cards without labels and have the child match the labels to the picture. The child can check their work by looking at the control cards.
2. Matching Picture to Word - Lay down just the label cards without pictures and have the child match the picture to the word. The child can check their work by looking at the control cards.
If you have any other ideas on how to use the cards leave a comment and let me know what you think!