Watermelon Seed Fine Motor Activities

 Even those little white seeds that you find in Watermelon Seed Fine Motor Activities

Like most kids, my daughter loves watermelon. It's quite possibly her favorite fruit. However, she refuses to eat it if there are any seeds in it. Even those little white seeds that you find in the seedless variety. So needless to say, I've been pretty busy removing seeds from her watermelon on a daily basis. Whenever I find something that I am constantly throwing away, I think to myself, can I find a creative use for this instead of throwing it out? Just like egg cartons or raisin boxes or those little caps from baby food pouches, why not find a creative use for watermelon seeds?

Watermelon seeds are pretty small which make them difficult to pick up, even for adults. That makes them perfect for fine motor practice and to help develop the pincer grasp, which is an important skill for developing writing readiness.

So I made these free printable activities which are great not only for fine motor skills but also for letter recognition, number recognition, number quantity, and one to one correspondence. If you don't have any watermelon seeds on hand, you can use anything that is small and dark colored: beads, raisins, small black pom poms, apple seeds, etc.

1. Tracing the letter W with watermelon Seeds

 Even those little white seeds that you find in Watermelon Seed Fine Motor Activities

2. Letter Hunt - Place a watermelon seed on each letter W

 Even those little white seeds that you find in Watermelon Seed Fine Motor Activities

 Even those little white seeds that you find in Watermelon Seed Fine Motor Activities

2. Number Recognition & Quantity (1-10) - Place the correct amount of watermelon seeds on each watermelon

 Even those little white seeds that you find in Watermelon Seed Fine Motor Activities

 Even those little white seeds that you find in Watermelon Seed Fine Motor Activities

4. Coloring Page and 1 to 1 Correspondence - Place a watermelon seed over each drawing of a seed

 Even those little white seeds that you find in Watermelon Seed Fine Motor Activities

Click here to Download Free Watermelon Seed Printables