These CVC picture puzzles are great for kindergarten kids or beginner readers who are starting to sound out simple words.
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This FREE set of CVC word puzzles features short vowel sounds a,e,i,o and u. There are 20 puzzles included - 4 for each vowel. There is also a recording sheet for kids to practice writing the word once they complete each puzzle.
Materials Needed:
- Short a sound: van, rat, ham, bat
- Short e sound: bed, jet, den, red
- Short i sound: lip, bin, pin, zip
- Short o sound: hop, cot, dog, box
- Short u sound: tub, cup, bus, bug
Click Here to Download your FREE CVC Picture Puzzles
For more CVC word and reading practice, see our Reading Category
For more CVC word and reading practice, see our Reading Category