Christmas Art Skills Printables: Cutting, Tracing, Coloring

Kids love coloring pages, but sometimes they can be a bit... boring (gasp!) so I created these FREE Christmas Art Skills Printables that work on scissor skills, tracing and coloring at the same time!

 so I created these FREE Christmas Art Skills Printables that work on scissor skills Christmas Art Skills Printables: Cutting, Tracing, Coloring

These FREE Christmas Art Skills Printables include 3 scenes: Santa riding his sleigh above a skyline, Santa next to a Christmas tree, and a nativity scene.

-cut paper along the thick gray lines
-assemble the puzzle and glue onto the blank page
-trace along the dotted lines
-color the picture!

For more FREE Christmas printables, see all of our posts here:

For more art skills practice check out The Ultimate Art Skills Pack for ages 3-6 years. This is a unique set of 20 printable activities to help kids practice ALL of their art skills at the same time: Cutting, Gluing, Tracing, Coloring and Drawing!